Monday, November 17, 2008

A Hiatus is Ended

Hello Trips-For-Kids-Charlotte-Web-Browsers,

The Trips for Kids Recyclery is going to give you a peep-hole into our inventory via this blog. Your best bet however is to come in to the Recyclery on any given Saturday between 10am and 4pm. Right now we have roughly 130 bikes on hand that are ready to go, so please don't look at the few bikes that will be thrown up here and think that it's an accurate depiction of what we have in stock. With the number of bikes we have and a price range that goes from $60 to $650, we probably have a bike that would be perfect for you.

Complete bikes are only part of what awaits your biking needs at TFK's.
Parts, parts and more parts; fill bins and wait like a floppy-eared puppy at a kennel for a chance to make your life and your bike a little more complete.

Brake Levers!

Front Derailleurs!

Rear Derailleurs!


There are thousands upon thousands of parts that await you. These pics are a small sample to stimulate your desire to solve your parts issues with a trip to Trips for Kids.

Also, we have a solid selection of ride-wear and every garment is only $20.

Thank you.


Gemma said...

i assume these parts can be used on a child bike as well... or are there specific parts for children's bikes?

Jamie said...

I think the parts are exchangeable. It doesn't matter whether it is a child bike or and adult bike... most of the parts can be used either way.

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